Silicone Led Wristwatch GF1314 Settings
How to set the Silicone Led Wristwatch GF1314 Series/Models
I was just having fun browsing through the WISH app gadgets together with an elderly friend(a neighbour precisely). Then we stumbled upon this wristwatch in the 'WISH' online shopping application and his attention was caught by its attractiveness, cheap price and its description in the app.
Being a person that's not very much into online surfing and stuffs, he questioned and dared me if it was real and whether it would truly arrive overseas if indeed one places an order. I replied in the affirmative and he asked me to place an order on his behalf. At the same spot, another neighbour arrived who also developed an interest in the same wristwatch. So I placed two orders on their behalves.
To make the long story short.. Arriving about a month later due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Effects, the watches came eventually. Upon getting home after collection, I unsealed the package, brought out the brand new shiny silicone wristwatches, and admired both for a few seconds. Indeed the watches were delivered well-packaged, undamaged but without manuals. So here comes a little problem..
Of course the watches looked admirable in sight but "how to go about the settings without a manual since the time and dates aren't correct?", I questioned myself.
While being baffled on how to adjust the settings, I observed the watches for awhile searching for control buttons or something on its body but found none. However, there was only a one-point touch control to lit-up its display. So I finally assumed that "what if this one-point touch actually controls its settings?"
So I began holding down the one-point touch and noticed some weird blinking behaviors of the watches' digits, which actually means it's asking me to adjust the settings and it was achieved eventually.
For an accurate, easily comprehensible guideline, please watch the tutorial below..
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